Monthly Archives: September 2015

Opinion: The Case Against Hillary Clinton … Or Not

Hillary Clinton in Concord, New Hampshire

Hillary Clinton in Concord, New Hampshire (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The media has once again grabbed hold of minutia in order to dog Hillary Clinton. Just as in the 1990’s with the Whitewater investigation, the Republicans and the media have started in on her again. It should be pointed out that, that particular investigation turned up nothing at all, even after years of investigation. It is important to remember that Hillary was not in office during those years, but Republicans refer to the Presidency of Bill Clinton with Hillary included.

Hillary Rodham Clinton, January 2007

Hillary Rodham Clinton, January 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

But one might ask, why Hillary Clinton?  Surely she must be doing something wrong for all of this negative attention to be swirling around her.  In order to fully understand, one must look at her role in history.

Hillary Clinton was one of the attorneys working on the Committee to Impeach President Nixon. And, her hard work, along with others, contributed to the decision to impeach President Nixon.  The Republicans have apparently always remembered and kept that in mind when she first arrived in Washington as the First Lady as wife of President Bill Clinton. And so, her tenure as First Lady began with memories of her involvement in the Impeachment process of Richard Nixon. (Nixon resigned rather than be impeached.) She has always been referred to as an extremely smart woman, and some have said that she is “scary smart”.

She was somewhat harassed simply because she was a strong, independent woman, the likes of which no one had seen in a First Lady. Like Eleanor Roosevelt, Hillary was educated, but unlike Eleanor, Hillary continued to work in her chosen field and alongside her husband during his time as governor.  And, unlike Jackie Kennedy, Hillary did not fit the mold of intelligent, educated woman who would put it all aside to be wife and mother. So, she was initially a curiosity to those inside the beltway.

Official White House photo of President Bill C...

Official White House photo of President Bill Clinton and the First Lady, Hillary Clinton (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

When President Bill Clinton appointed her to be over the Healthcare task force, there was a political uproar. How dare she try to do something other than be a hostess for the President?  She appeared in Congress to push the results of the healthcare package, but all of her hard work and efforts were ignored, and some surmised that it was not only because of her past history, but because she was a woman, a woman who refused to accept her place, and who refused to accept their truth that her place at the table was only as a wife. In their view, Hillary had no independent place at the table.

Then there was China. Hillary was invited as First Lady to attend a conference. However, in true Hillary form and style, she used the opportunity to speak up against the violation of women’s rights all over the globe, but particularly in China. She had been advised not to take China on, but she did. It was Hillary Clinton who coined the phrase: “Women’s rights are human rights.” And she did so in China, utilizing her bully pulpit in a courageous and bold manner.

Then there was the Monica Lewinski matter. Hillary gained the support and admiration of many women because she stood by her husband and their family unit, choosing to keep them together, when she could have walked away.

Another noteworthy event which was used against her was the terror attack in Benghazi. The name of that Libyan city is now an anti-Hillary battle cry. However, the underlying facts continue to be ignored. One of those facts is that the ambassador who was killed, routinely refused to have extra security. Why? Because he loved the Libyan people, and like to be amongst them without all the trappings of government.  The other fact is that the State Department under Hillary Clinton, requests had been made to Congress for  funding for additional security for U.S. ambassadors. Those requests were denied. But when events unfolded, the Republicans once again seized an opportunity to blame Hillary. The Republicans in Congress were hell-bent upon assigning blame to Hillary Clinton for the events in Benghazi. They ignored the fact that the Ambassador was her friend, and attempted to portray her as the one who knew the events were about to happen, and that she did nothing about it.  So far, there has been no merit to their assertions. But, they continue, and have now set yet another hearing under the guise of the Benghazi events, for the purpose of grilling  and harassing Hillary Clinton.

Among her critics are those who fault her for voting for the Iraq war while a United States senator. But so did everyone else. For they were all given the same false information by the Cheney group.  Even Colin Powell has publicly admitted that he was misled, and that the information he provided to the United Nations was false. So why hold this against Hillary?

Fast forward. Now she is being scrutinized for using one email for all of her emails. A practice which violated no rules or law during the time she was Secretary of State. A story which has been pushed by the New York Times, but it is rumored that a reporter for that newspaper is pushing it due to her dislike of Hillary Clinton, and so far, the efforts have borne fruit. Her decline in the polls are based upon ‘distrust’. Yet, not one of these stories include the problem with Jeb Bush deleting emails, or George W. Bush & Dick Cheney using a private server and deleting nearly millions of emails. Not one word. Coin Powell took all of his emails with him, but no one is hounding him to provide them.  Hillary, admittedly, was not on steady ground with the usage of modern technology, and some of that confusion has clearly surfaced within her emails. Does not anyone recognize the leaps and bounds via which technology has grown? One simply cannot compare current technology with the technology used while she was Secretary of State.  If there was no rule or law broken, why is everyone clamoring for her emails?

It is the editor’s opinion that this hounding of Hillary is simply because there are far too many people in this country who do not want a woman for President, under any circumstances. Many believe that it is not a woman’s place, at least not in the United States of America.  It’s time that they were proven wrong. Hillary should be given the same chance as anyone else, and if she is going to be hounded and harassed regarding her emails, then so should all of the men who did the same thing which she did.

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Opinion: Theft via Death In Pima County, Arizona

Seal of Pima County, Arizona

Seal of Pima County, Arizona (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

In Pima County, Arizona, there is a process and law whereby, the county can literally take the property and belongings of loved ones of the deceased.  In some states, there is a homestead provision, so that families can automatically receive property when their family member passes away.

Recently, I witnessed this first-hand. An elderly couple passed away. The husband passed away first, and less than a year later, the wife joined him.  They had three children, two sons and one daughter. The daughter had passed away years ago due to drowning.  When I spoke with an employee of the Office of the Pima County Fiduciary, he had the audacity to say that their office was “representing” the elderly couple. I remember thinking, “But they are dead. How can you be representing therm?”I learned later that they had taken control of the couple’s assets, and proceeded to have an estate sale consisting of all of the personal belongings of the couple as well as the house itself, despite the fact that the house was paid for.

How could this happen?  Apparently, the couple did not leave a will. I am sure that they assumed that all of their earthly goods would go to their next of kin, automatically.  But, without a will, at least in Pima County, that is not the case.  And, in my opinion,  it is the equivalent of theft under the guise of representing the interests of the decedents. Were that couple truly being “represented”, you can be assured that their sons would have rightfully obtained every thing which they owned, for they loved the two of them dearly.

This process should be in place for those who pass away without any rightful heirs by blood, not just based upon the lack of a will. Next of kin literally means nothing at all. This is legalized theft, which fills the coffers of the county, and it should not be allowed to continue.

At the end of the estate sale, the father’s momentos were tossed into the trash by those who were running the sale. Why do that?  Their was no consideration for what might have been important to their children.

This process needs to be revised in order to pass along the property and belongings of a decedent to the family, will or no will.

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